Friday, December 23, 2011

Theories of Non-Verbal Communication

We all know that Non-verbal communication is a way or an act of telling or conveying information through gestures, body language, facial expressions, different linguistic actions and so forth.As generations goes by and because of the strongly intense study when it comes to the improvement of communication many anthropologist tend to study and theorized some aspects regarding to the contribution that may and-up to the fields and study of communication.And because there are many of them our professor suggested to select three of the theories which regards to Non-verbal communication and explain and point-out the things that we've learned based on their theories and these are the theories of; 1. Ray Birdwhistelle's Theory on Kinesics, 2. Edward T. Halls Theory on Proxemics, and 3. Paul Ekman and Wallace Friesen's Theory on Kinesics.

1.Ray Birdwhistell's Theory On Kinesics

In Birdwhistell’s Theory of Non-verbal Communication it focuses on the potential skill of a person which give much meaning to all of their bodily movement that’s why their behaviour is analyse due to its patterns and repetition though our body action has its biological limits because the use of body motion in interaction is part of the social system.

Also in his theory it involves the so called Kinesics, so what is kinesics? Kinesics or in more common word “body language”, from the word itself, the way we act, the way we portray our moods and expressions which pertains to the different kinds of situation. Say for example; inside the office when you are applying because you really want that job and for you to get hired and you must show your inner confidence because it really reflects outside. The first thing that you do is that first one you walk into the room and shakes hands with the interviewer in order for you to impress him or to have good communication is that you must have a good eye contact as well as a good firm hand shake. Be confident yet polite. Another important thing for you to remember is that when you are on interview do create gradual things that the interviewer might not find very hard for you to be interviewed. Same when it comes to communicating people (using Non-verbal communication) to your parents, to the elders as well and to different people. Kinesics plays an important role.

In this theory I’ve learned that visually our body activity might cause or affect the others. And when it comes to communication, our non-verbal actions add clearer intention to what we want to express. Through the theory of Birdwhistlle and his assumptions the study of non-verbal behaviour, communication helps us learn more on how to convey information either to communicative and interpretative act.

2. Edward Hall’s Theory on Proxemics

In Edward Hall Theory on Non-verbal Communication it focuses on multichannel affair or more on how distance might affect individuals in communication or on how we use the space in communication. That’s why he theorized Proxemics. Proxemics refers to the use of distance or space between an individual in communication either in daily basis, organizational of space of infrastructures and houses, conducting daily transactions. It is a study on how man behaves or reacts on its “microspace” or the distance between the people he is interacting to. In his theory also the way the space is used in interactions is very cultural matter. It really depends on the its culture just like for example in Western sight and hearing is very important while in Eastern smell is very important which simply tells that through the use of space individuals can be simply elaborate and tell a culture. Proxemic may also vary too because of the definition of self maybe different.

Let’ go more on Proxemics:

Proxemics- Space and Distance:
Types of Space
1. Fixed Feature Space- things to be considered unmovable like rooms and walls. Territorial boundaries we may say.
2. Semifixed Feature Space- these are things to be considered movable or movable obstacles like furniture.
3. Informal Space- these comprises personal territory around the body that travels around it which determines the person around him. It can be classified to cultural a variation which varies from culture to culture.

Types of Distance
1. Intimate (0-18 inches)- these distance may refer to a closely related person let’s say to your family, friends and love ones.
2. Personal (1 ½ to 4 feet)- these distance it can be refer to when we are having a interview, discussion either forum or inside the classroom.
3. Social (4 to 12 feet) – these distance may refer to the people we meet in the street.
4. Public (over 12 feet)- these may refer to a range of distance let’s say listening or attending to inside the auditorium or in a conference.

8 Distance Factors in Conversation.
1. Posture- refers to gender/sex factors you can also refer to his/her basic position (sitting, walking, lying, standing)
2.Sociofugal-Sociopetal Axis
 Sociofugal- means that you are to discourage an interaction.
 Sociopetal- implies encouragement
 Axis- different angle of facing depending on the person you are to communicate.
3. Kinesthetic Factors- The closeness of a person when it comes to physical contact or interaction within a close distance in terms of touchability.
4. Touching Behaviour- from the word itself individual maybe involved in caressing and holding, feeling prolonged holding and so forth.
5. Visual Code- refers to eye contact ranging either direct contact (eye to eye) or no eye contact at all.
6. Thermal Code- refers to a perceived intensity of communicator from the other communicator.
7. Olfactory Code-refers to kind and degree or odor that perceives in communication/conversation.
8. Voice Loudness- it pertains to the loudness of voice that might affect interpersonal space.

In Edward Hall’s Theory I’ve learned that distance also play a big role in communication it also indicates your relation to each other, the way you perceived on a particular object, the way you interact with people through the use of distance, the way we differ from one to another (cultural variation we may say). And also the non-verbal factors that we try to imply during or when we are communicating to a certain person. These may also refer on how our behaviour relates ourselves to communicate through the use of space.

3. Paul Ekman and Wallace Friesen’s Theory on Kinesics

Just like Birdwhistlle theory but they are much focus and concentrated on work on the face and hands. There primary purpose of studying is to increase the understanding of individual’s mood, personality, mood and actions. Giving further understanding to also increase an individual’s personal interaction, the nature of relationship, to what expression is form and also the status of communication they are to conceive. They propose three ways to analyse nonverbal behaviour:

1. Origin -source of the act (innate, species-constant, or variant).
2. Coding - the act-meaning relationship (arbitrary, iconic, intrinsic).
3. Usage – a degree of non-verbal communication to what does the behaviour do, how does it convey information (communicative act, interactive act).
Ekman and Friesen assert that all nonverbal behaviour is one of five types:

1. Emblems – a verbal translation with rather precise meaning say for example, raising your hands with a fist arm which that your telling someone to hurry-up, in is one way of replacing of saying a word through action by using your hands.

2. Illustrators - depict verbal message. This are also non-verbal cues linked to the word. Say for example V for Victory but in some cases we are not aware of them. There are 8 types of illustrators:
a. Baton - movements that emphasize
b. Ideograph -“sketch” of a thought’s direction
c. Deictic movement - pointing
d. Spatial movement - identifying space
e. Rhythmic movement - pacing motion
f. Kinetograph - depicting physical action
g. Pictograph - drawing a picture in the air
h. Emblematic movement - illustrating a verbal movement
To sum it up Illustrators reinforced verbal communication and for somehow it allows us to accent and to emphasize words and ideas.

3. Adapters - facilitate release of bodily tension. It also satisfy the needs of an individual to adopt on its environment. Say for example head scratching, foot joggling and so forth.

4. Regulators - control or coordinate interaction. From the word itself it may somehow perceive a person to kind of action which the environment permits him to do or to act.

5. Affect displays - presentation of feelings and emotions. It is also permits an individual on how he reacts based on our mood and the situation on its environment.


The Non-verbal Communication plays a central role in communication not just because it most commonly used by people but because it helps us our verbal message will become frequently recognize. It is highly believable at least as important when it comes to verbal communication.

As a media practitioner it is also very important to know the effects of non-verbal actions, gestures, moods and settings when it comes to communication. Perhaps it would add-up another thoughts pertaining to what we see. It would also serves as an application for us to improve our communication skills. These 3 theories would be much useful if we continue to practice it as well as to imply that behaviour on how can we do response to the environment. Though they might cultural variations still non-verbal communication will help us to utilize the truthfulness of the message that we are about to convey. And that’s why it is important to remember these things.

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